Zinātniskās publikācijas Web of Science, Scopus vai citās nozīmīgās starptautiskās publikāciju datu bāzēs

1. Ślefarska-Wolak, D., Heinzle, C., Leiherer, A., Ager, C., Muendlein, A., Mezmale, L., Leja, M., Corvalan, A. H., Drexel, H., Królicka, A., Shani, G., Mayhew, C. A., Haick, H., & Mochalski, P. (2022). Volatilomic signatures of AGS and SNU-1 gastric cancer cell lines. Molecules, 27(13), 4012. https://doi.org/10.3390/molecules27134012

2. Polaka, I., Bhandari, M. P., Mezmale, L., Anarkulova, L., Veliks, V., Sivins, A., Lescinska, A. M., Tolmanis, I., Vilkoite, I., Ivanovs, I., Padilla, M., Mitrovics, J., Shani, G., Haick, H., & Leja, M. (2022). Modular point-of-care breath analyzer and shape taxonomy-based machine learning for Gastric cancer detection. Diagnostics, 12(2), 491. https://doi.org/10.3390/diagnostics12020491

3. Vilkoite, I., Mežmale, L., Tolmanis, I., Meri, H. A., Veide, L., Dzērve, Z., Anarkulova, L., Nevidovska, K., & Lejnieks, A. (2022). Comparison of nice classification for optical diagnosis of colorectal polyps and morphology of removed lesions depending on localisation in colon. Proceedings of the Latvian Academy of Sciences. Section B. Natural, Exact, and Applied Sciences., 76(5-6), 650–656. https://doi.org/10.2478/prolas-2022-0100

4. Razuka-Ebela, D., Polaka, I., Daugule, I., Parshutin, S., Santare, D., Ebela, I., Rudzite, D., Vangravs, R., Herrero, R., Young Park, J., & Leja, M. (2022). Factors associated with false negative results in serum pepsinogen testing for precancerous gastric lesions in a European population in the GISTAR study. Diagnostics, 12(5), 1166. https://doi.org/10.3390/diagnostics12051166

5. Robles, C., Rudzite, D., Polaka, I., Sjomina, O., Tzivian, L., Kikuste, I., Tolmanis, I., Vanags, A., Isajevs, S., Liepniece-Karele, I., Razuka-Ebela, D., Parshutin, S., Murillo, R., Herrero, R., Young Park, J., & Leja, M. (2022). Assessment of serum pepsinogens with and without co-testing with gastrin-17 in gastric cancer risk assessment—results from the GISTAR Pilot Study. Diagnostics, 12(7), 1746. https://doi.org/10.3390/diagnostics12071746

6. Razuka-Ebela, D., Polaka, I., Daugule, I., Parshutin, S., Santare, D., Ebela, I., Rudzite, D., Vangravs, R., Herrero, R., Young Park, J., & Leja, M. (2022). Lifestyle and dietary factors associated with serologically detected gastric atrophy in a Caucasian population in the GISTAR study. European Journal of Cancer Prevention, 31(5), 442–450. https://doi.org/10.1097/cej.0000000000000723

7. Dammann, O., Mežinska, S., & Gefenas, E. (2022). Health Humanities in medicina: The auxiliary stance. Medicina, 58(3), 411. doi.org/10.3390/medicina58030411

8. Voo, T. C., Smith, M. J., Mastroleo, I., Dawson, A., Arawi, T., Bah Sow, O. Y., Delfraissy, J.-F., Emanuel, E., Garanis-Papadatos, T., WHO Ethics & COVID-19 Working Group (Mežinska, S.) (2022). Covid-19 vaccination certificates and lifting public health and social measures: Ethical considerations. Eastern Mediterranean Health Journal, 28(6), 454–458. https://doi.org/10.26719/emhj.22.023

9. Balina, S., Salna, E., Kojalo, I., & Avotina, E. (2022). Research support model for improving the effectiveness of Medical Study Data Collection. Rural Sustainability Research, 47(342), 76–86. https://doi.org/10.2478/plua-2022-0009

10. Mikilps-Mikgelbs, R., Pūpola, D., Antone, E., Kiršners, A., Luguzis, A., Salna, E., Krams, A., & Ērglis, A. (2022). Liquid biopsy — a novel diagnostic tool for management of early-stage peripheral lung cancer. Proceedings of the Latvian Academy of Sciences. Section B. Natural, Exact, and Applied Sciences., 76(3), 325–332. https://doi.org/10.2478/prolas-2022-0049

11. Polaka, I., Bhandari, M. P., Mezmale, L., Anarkulova, L., Veliks, V., Sivins, A., Lescinska, A. M., Tolmanis, I., Vilkoite, I., Ivanovs, I., Padilla, M., Mitrovics, J., Shani, G., Haick, H., & Leja, M. (2022). Modular point-of-care breath analyzer and shape taxonomy-based machine learning for Gastric cancer detection. Diagnostics, 12(2), 491. https://doi.org/10.3390/diagnostics12020491

12. Bhandari, M. P., Veliks, V., Stonāns, I., Padilla, M., Šuba, O., Svare, A., Krupnova, I., Ivanovs, Ņ., Bēma, D., Mitrovics, J., & Leja, M. (2022). Breath Sensor Technology for the use in mechanical lung ventilation equipment for monitoring critically ill patients. Diagnostics, 12(2), 430. https://doi.org/10.3390/diagnostics12020430

13. Morais, S., Costa, A., Albuquerque, G., Araújo, N., Tsugane, S., Hidaka, A., Hamada, G. S., Ye, W., Plymoth, A., Leja, M., Gasenko, E., Zaridze, D., Maximovich, D., Malekzadeh, R., Derakhshan, M. H., Pelucchi, C., Negri, E., Camargo, M. C., Curado, M. P., … Lunet, N. (2022). “true” helicobacter pylori infection and non‐cardia gastric cancer: A pooled analysis within the stomach cancer pooling (STOP) project. Helicobacter, 27(3). https://doi.org/10.1111/hel.12883

14. Varkalaite, G., Vaitkeviciute, E., Inciuraite, R., Salteniene, V., Juzenas, S., Petkevicius, V., Gudaityte, R., Mickevicius, A., Link, A., Kupcinskas, L., Leja, M., Kupcinskas, J., & Skieceviciene, J. (2022). Atrophic gastritis and gastric cancer tissue mirnome analysis reveal HSA-MIR-129-1 and HSA-mir-196a as potential early diagnostic biomarkers. World Journal of Gastroenterology, 28(6), 653–663. https://doi.org/10.3748/wjg.v28.i6.653

15. Taszhanov, R., Telmanova, Z., Zhadykova, Y., Akhmetova, L., Zhantureyeva, A., Bukeyeva, Z., Aimbetova, G., Kassenova, D., Azhetova, Z., Kozhakhmetova, Z., Orazbayev, S., Adaibayev, K., Ospanov, K., Kulayev, K., Kuandykov, Y., Bilyalova, Z., Igissinova, G., Kozhakhmetov, S., Leja, M., & Igissinov, N. (2022). Geographic variability of gastric cancer incidence in Kazakhstan. Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention, 23(6), 1935–1944. https://doi.org/10.31557/apjcp.2022.23.6.1935

16. Burgos-Santamaría, D., Nyssen, O. P., Gasbarrini, A., Vaira, D., Pérez-Aisa, Á., Rodrigo, L., Pellicano, R., Keco-Huerga, A., Pabón-Carrasco, M., Castro-Fernandez, M., Boltin, D., Barrio, J., Phull, P., Kupcinskas, J., Jonaitis, L., Ortiz-Polo, I., Tepes, B., Lucendo, A. J., Huguet, J. M., Leja, M. … Gisbert, J. P. (2022). Empirical rescue treatment ofhelicobacter pyloriinfection in third and subsequent lines: 8-year experience in 2144 patients from the European registry onH. pylorimanagement (HP-EuReg). Gut. https://doi.org/10.1136/gutjnl-2022-328232

17. Malfertheiner, P., Megraud, F., Rokkas, T., Gisbert, J. P., Liou, J. M., Schulz, C., Gasbarrini, A., Hunt, R. H., Leja, M., O'Morain, C., Rugge, M., Suerbaum, S., Tilg, H., Sugano, K., El-Omar, E. M., & European Helicobacter and Microbiota Study group (2022). Management of Helicobacter pylori infection: the Maastricht VI/Florence consensus report. Gut, gutjnl-2022-327745. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1136/gutjnl-2022-327745

18. Nyssen, O. P., Vaira, D., Pérez Aísa, Á., Rodrigo, L., Castro-Fernandez, M., Jonaitis, L., Tepes, B., Vologzhanina, L., Caldas, M., Lanas, A., Lucendo, A. J., Bujanda, L., Ortuño, J., Barrio, J., Huguet, J. M., Voynovan, I., Lasala, J. P., Sarsenbaeva, A. S., Fernandez-Salazar, L., Molina-Infante, J., Leja, M. … European Registry on Helicobacter pylori Management Hp-EuReg Investigators (2022). Empirical Second-Line Therapy in 5000 Patients of the European Registry on Helicobacter pylori Management (Hp-EuReg). Clinical gastroenterology and hepatology : the official clinical practice journal of the American Gastroenterological Association, 20(10), 2243–2257. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cgh.2021.12.025

19. Lam, S. Y., Mommersteeg, M. C., Yu, B., Broer, L., Spaander, M. C. W., Frost, F., Weiss, S., Völzke, H., Lerch, M. M., Schöttker, B., Zhang, Y., Stocker, H., Brenner, H., Levy, D., Hwang, S. J., Wood, A. C., Rich, S. S., Rotter, J. I., Taylor, K. D., Tracy, R. P., Leja, M. … Peppelenbosch, M. P. (2022). Toll-Like Receptor 1 Locus Re-examined in a Genome-Wide Association Study Update on Anti-Helicobacter pylori IgG Titers. Gastroenterology, 162(6), 1705–1715. https://doi.org/10.1053/j.gastro.2022.01.011

20. Burra, P., Bretthauer, M., Buti Ferret, M., Dugic, A., Fracasso, P., Leja, M., Matysiak Budnik, T., Michl, P., Ricciardiello, L., Seufferlein, T., van Leerdam, M., & Botos, A. (2022). Digestive cancer screening across Europe. United European gastroenterology journal, 10(4), 435–437. https://doi.org/10.1002/ueg2.12230

21. Leja M. (2022). Addressing the risks of broad-scale H pylori eradication. The lancet. Gastroenterology & hepatology, S2468-1253(22)00426-5. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1016/S2468-1253(22)00426-5

22. Leja, M., Cine, E., Poļaka, I., Daugule, I., Murillo, R., Parshutin, S., Ražuka-Ebela, D., Rotberga, L., Anarkulova, L., Kriķe, P., Šantare, D., Tzivian, L., Herrero, R., & Park, J. Y. (2022). Factors influencing participation in preventive interventions for gastric cancer: the results from the GISTAR study. European journal of cancer prevention : the official journal of the European Cancer Prevention Organisation (ECP), 31(2), 128–136. https://doi.org/10.1097/CEJ.0000000000000682

23. Skrebinska, S., Megraud, F., Daugule, I., Santare, D., Isajevs, S., Liepniece-Karele, I., Bogdanova, I., Rudzite, D., Vangravs, R., Kikuste, I., Vanags, A., Tolmanis, I., Savcenko, S., Alix, C., Herrero, R., Park, J. Y., & Leja, M. (2022). Who Could Be Blamed in the Case of Discrepant Histology and Serology Results for Helicobacter pylori Detection?. Diagnostics (Basel, Switzerland), 12(1), 133. https://doi.org/10.3390/diagnostics12010133

24. Sadovska, L., Zayakin, P., Eglītis, K., Endzeliņš, E., Radoviča-Spalviņa, I., Avotiņa, E., Auders, J., Keiša, L., Liepniece-Karele, I., Leja, M., Eglītis, J., & Linē, A. (2022). Comprehensive characterization of RNA cargo of extracellular vesicles in breast cancer patients undergoing neoadjuvant chemotherapy. Frontiers in oncology, 12, 1005812. https://doi.org/10.3389/fonc.2022.1005812

25. Singh, S. K., Singh, A., Kumar, V., Gupta, J., Umrao, S., Kumar, M., Sarma, D. K., Leja, M., Bhandari, M. P., & Verma, V. (2022). Nanosheets Based Approach to Elevate the Proliferative and Differentiation Efficacy of Human Wharton's Jelly Mesenchymal Stem Cells. International journal of molecular sciences, 23(10), 5816. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijms23105816

26. Kriķe, P., Shums, Z., Poļaka, I., Kikuste, I., Vanags, A., Tolmanis, I., Isajevs, S., Liepniece-Karele, I., Santare, D., Tzivian, L., Rudzīte, D., Song, M., Camargo, M. C., Norman, G. L., & Leja, M. (2022). The Diagnostic Value of Anti-Parietal Cell and Intrinsic Factor Antibodies, Pepsinogens, and Gastrin-17 in Corpus-Restricted Atrophic Gastritis. Diagnostics (Basel, Switzerland), 12(11), 2784. https://doi.org/10.3390/diagnostics12112784

27. Morais, S., Peleteiro, B., Araújo, N., Malekzadeh, R., Ye, W., Plymoth, A., Tsugane, S., Hidaka, A., Hamada, G. S., López-Carrillo, L., Zaridze, D., Maximovich, D., Aragonés, N., Castaño-Vinyals, G., Pakseresht, M., Hernández-Ramírez, R. U., López-Cervantes, M., Leja, M., Gasenko, E., Pourfarzi, F., … Lunet, N. (2022). Identifying the Profile of Helicobacter pylori-Negative Gastric Cancers: A Case-Only Analysis within the Stomach Cancer Pooling (StoP) Project. Cancer epidemiology, biomarkers & prevention : a publication of the American Association for Cancer Research, cosponsored by the American Society of Preventive Oncology, 31(1), 200–209. https://doi.org/10.1158/1055-9965.EPI-21-0402

28. Sjomina, O., Lielause, A., Rūdule, A., Vangravs, R., Paršutins, S., Poļaka, I., Daugule, I., Stonāns, I., Park, J. Y., & Leja, M. (2022). Randomised clinical trial: comparison of efficacy and adverse effects of a standard triple clarithromycin-containing regimen with high-dose amoxicillin and bismuth therapy in Helicobacter pylori eradication. European journal of cancer prevention : the official journal of the European Cancer Prevention Organisation (ECP), 31(4), 333–338. https://doi.org/10.1097/CEJ.0000000000000718

29. Mlakar, I., Lin, S., Nateqi, J., Gruarin, S., Diéguez, L., Piairo, P., Pires, L. R., Tement, S., Aleksandraviča, I., Leja, M., Arcimoviča, K., Bleret, V., Kaux, J. F., Kolh, P., Maquet, D., Gómez, J. G., Mata, J. G., Salgado, M., Horvat, M., Ravnik, M., … Smrke, U. (2022). Establishing an Expert Consensus on Key Indicators of the Quality of Life among Breast Cancer Survivors: A Modified Delphi Study. Journal of clinical medicine, 11(7), 2041. https://doi.org/10.3390/jcm11072041

Citas zinātniskās publikācijas – tēzes

1. “Prevention and early detection IGCC22-ABS-1374 IDENTIFICATION OF VOLATILE BIOMARKERS IN GASTRIC CANCER TISSUES USING GC-MS FOR CANCER DETECTION” Manohar Prasad Bhandari* 1, Daria Slefarska2, 3, Linda Mezmale1, 4, 5, Anna Marija Lescinska1, 4, 5, Linda Anarkulova1, 6, 7, Pawel Mochalski2, 3, Mārcis Leja1, 4, 5, 8 https://gastriccancerconference.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/IGCC-2022-Abstracts.pdf

2. “Prevention and early detection IGCC22-ABS-1339 VOLATILOMIC SIGNATURES OF AGS AND SNU-1 GASTRIC CANCER CELL LINES” Daria Slefarska* 1, 2, 3, Christine Heinzle4, 5, Andreas Leiherer4, 5, 6, Axel Muendlein4, Linda Mezmale7, Marcis Leja7, 8, 9, Alejandro H. Corvalan10, Gidi Shani11, Chris A. Mayhew1, 3, Hossam Haick11, Pawel Mochalski1, 2, 3 https://gastriccancerconference.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/IGCC-2022-Abstracts.pdf

3. "The Impact of the Nordic Diet on Fatigue in Mild and Moderate Ulcerative Colitis Patients”. Girgensone Ginta, Birka Ilze, Anspuka Līva, Šantare Daiga - mutiskais ziņojums. https://conferences.lu.lv/event/68/attachments/17/419/Program%202022.pdf

4. “Current Smoking Associated with Precancerous Gastric Lesions “Missed” by Serologic Pepsinogen Testing” Razuka-Ebela Danute, Polaka Inese, Parshutin Sergei, Ebela Inguna, Daugule Ilva, Santare Daiga, Sjomina Olga, Herrero Rolando, Park Jin Young, Leja Marcis https://conferences.lu.lv/event/68/attachments/17/419/Program%202022.pdf

 5. “Initial Results of Electronic Nose for Colorectal Cancer Specific Breath Detection” Mezmale Linda, Polaka Inese, Anarkulova Linda, Lescinska Anna Marija, Pcolkins Andrejs, Mizaikoff Boris, Mitrovics Jan, Shani Gidi, Haick Hossam, Leja Marcis https://conferences.lu.lv/event/68/attachments/17/419/Program%202022.pdf

6. “The Use of Shotgun Metagenomic Sequencing for Detection of H. Pylori Pre- and Post-Eradication: Bioinformatics Feasibility Assessment’ Vangravs Reinis, Čivkulis Kristaps, Ļeonova Elīna, Dauss Edgars, Poļaka Inese, Sjomina Olga, Leja Mārcis https://conferences.lu.lv/event/68/attachments/17/419/Program%202022.pdf

7. “Evaluation of Dietary Habits of Jekabpils Inhabitants: Adherence to Nordic Diet and Association With Helicobacter Pylori Infection” Jurkevica Ineta, Daugule Ilva, Kojalo Ilona, Polaka Inese, Parsutins Sergejs, Leja Marcis, Santare Daiga https://conferences.lu.lv/event/68/attachments/17/419/Program%202022.pdf

8. “Addition of Saccharomyces Boulardii to Standard Triple Therapy in Eradication of H. pylori: Comparison of Adverse Events and Effectiveness” Sjomina Olga, Suhorukova Jekaterina, Rūdule Aiga, Vangravs Reinis, Paršutins Sergejs, Poļaka Inese, Daugule Ilva, Stonāns Ilmārs, Park Jin Young, Leja Mārcis https://conferences.lu.lv/event/68/attachments/17/419/Program%202022.pdf

 9. "MONITORING OF CRITICALLY ILL COVID-19 PATIENTS ON MECHANICAL LUNG VENTILATION USING BREATH SENSOR TECHNOLOGY” Bhandari M. P., Veliks V., Stonāns I., Padilla M., Šuba o., SvareA., Krupnova I., Ivanovs Ņ., Bēma D., Mitrovics J., Leja M. https://c19.rsu.lv/sites/default/files/documents/RSU_Covid19_posterbook.pdf

10. “Effect of smoking on serum pepsinogen values modified by the presence of Helicobacter pylori”. D. Razuka-Ebela; I. Polaka; S. Parshutin; I. Ebela; I. Daugule; D. Santare; O. Sjomina; M. Leja https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/eci.13796

11. “Mistakes in empirical eradication therapies for helicobacter pylori in 45,778 patients: Data from the European registry on H.Pylori management (HP-Eureg)”S. MARTÍNEZ-DOMÍNGUEZ , E. ALFARO , P. CARRERA-LASFUENTES , Á. LANAS , Á. PÉREZ-AINSA , D. VAIRA , L. JONAITIS , B. TEPES , D. BORDIN6 , M. CASTRO-FERNÁNDEZ7 , A. LUCENDO8 , M. LEJA , G. BABAYEVA, F. LERANG, L. MOREIRA, I. PUIG, O. P. NYSSEN, F. MÉGRAUD, C. O´MORAIN, J. P. GISBERT, ON BEHALF OF THE HP-EUREG INVESTIGATOR https://www.microbiotajournal.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/7/2022/09/Abstract-Book-2022.pdf

12. “Comparison of the effectiveness of Helicobacter Pylori eradication regiments between the eldrely and non-eldrely populations: data from the European registy of H.Pylori management (HP-Eureg)” P. JONAITIS , J. KUPCINSKAS , Á. PÉREZ-AÍSA , D. VAIRA, B. TEPES, D. BORDIN, L. BUJANDA, M. DENKOVSKI, A. LANAS, M. LEJA, G. BABAYEVA, F. LERANG, A. TONKIC, O. P. NYSSEN, L. MOREIRA, I. PUIG, F. MÉGRAUD, C. O’MORAIN, J. P. GISBERT, L. JONAITIS , ON BEHALF OF THE HP-EUREG INVESTIGATORS https://www.microbiotajournal.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/7/2022/09/Abstract-Book-2022.pdf

13. “Changes in gut microbiota after antibacterial therapy among childre: Prelimenary data” M. ZAHAROVA , E. ZELCA , D. GUDRA , D. FRIDMANIS , I. DAUGULE https://www.microbiotajournal.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/7/2022/09/Abstract-Book-2022.pdf

14. “Role of complience in Helicobacter Pylori treatments: results from the European registry on H.pylori management (HP-Eureg)” J. M. HUGUET , L. FERRER-BARCELÓ , P. SUÁREZ, B. TEPES, D. BORDIN, M. LEJA, G. BABAYEVA, F. LERANG, A. TONKIC, H. SIMSEK, L. KUNOVSKÝ, A. GASBARRINI, G. M. BUZAS, P. PHULL, M. VENERITO, I. PUIG, O. P. NYSSEN, F. MÉGRAUD, C. O’MORAIN, J. P. GISBERT, ON BEHALF OF THE HP-EUREG INVESTIGATORS https://www.microbiotajournal.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/7/2022/09/Abstract-Book-2022.pdf1

15. “Differences of Helicobacter Pylori diagnostics and treatment in the elderly and non-elderly populations: data from European registry on H.pylori management (HP-Eureg)” P. JONAITIS , J. KUPCINSKAS, Á. PÉREZ-AÍSA, D. VAIRA, B. TEPES, D. BORDIN, L. BUJANDA, M. DENKOVSKI, A. LANAS, M. LEJA, G. BABAYEVA, F. LERANG, A. TONKIC, O. P. NYSSEN, L. MOREIRA, I. PUIG, F. MÉGRAUD, C. O’MORAIN, J. P. GISBERT, L. JONAITIS, ON BEHALF OF THE HP-EUREG INVESTIGATORS” https://www.microbiotajournal.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/7/2022/09/Abstract-Book-2022.pdf

16. “Epmirical first-line treatment use and effectiveness trends in Europe in the period 2013 – 2021: Results from the European registry on H.pylori management (HP-Eureg)” O. P. NYSSEN, Á. PÉREZ-AÍSA, D. VAIRA, L. JONAITIS, B. TEPES, D. BORDIN, A. KECO-HUERGA, A. LUCENDO, L. VOLOGZHANINA, L. BUJANDA, N. BRGLEZ JURECIC, A. LANAS, M. LEJA, G. BABAYEVA, F. LERANG, L. MOREIRA, I. PUIG, F. MÉGRAUD, C. O’MORAIN, J. P. GISBERT, ON BEHALF OF THE HP-EUREG INVESTIGATORS https://www.microbiotajournal.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/7/2022/09/Abstract-Book-2022.pdf

17. “Effectiveness and safety of high-dose dual therapy: Results of the European registry on the management of Helicobacter Pylori infection (HP-Eureg)”L. FERNÁNDEZ-SALAZAR, Á. PÉREZ-AISA, D. VAIRA, L. JONAITIS, B. TEPES, D. BORDIN, A. KECO-HUERGA, A. LUCENDO, L. VOLOGZHANINA, L. BUJANDA, N. BRGLEZ JURECIC, A. LANAS, M. LEJA, G. BABAYEVA, T. ROKKAS, I. PUIG, O. P. NYSSEN, F. MÉGRAUD, C. O’MORAIN, J. P. GISBERT, ON BEHALF OF THE HP-EUREG https://www.microbiotajournal.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/7/2022/09/Abstract-Book-2022.pdf

18. “The comparison of standard triple therapy effectiveness after addition of Saccharomyces boulardii” O. SJOMINA, R. VANGRAVS, A. RUDULE, I. POLAKA, S. PARSUTINS, D. PUPOLA, I. STONANS, M. LEJA https://www.microbiotajournal.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/7/2022/09/Abstract-Book-2022.pdf

19. “Effectiveness of treatments against Helicobacter Pylori according to clarithromycin: Data from the European registry on helicobacter pylori management (HP-Ereg)" L. BUJANDA, O. PEREZ-NYSSEN, J. RAMOS, D. S. BORDYN, B. TEPES, Á. PÉREZ - AISA, D. VAIRA, M. CALDAS, M. CASTRO-FERNÁNDEZ, F. LERAN, M. LEJA, L. RODRIGO, T. ROKKAS, L. KUPCINSKAS, J. PÉREZ-LASALA, I. PUIG, F. MEGRAUD, C. O’MORAIN, J. PÉREZ-GISBERT, ON BEHALF OF THE HP-EUREG INVESTIGATORS https://www.microbiotajournal.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/7/2022/09/Abstract-Book-2022.pdf

20. “Reflux esophagitis associated with false negative cases in pepsinogen testing for precancerous gastric lesions.” D. RAZUKA-EBELA, I. POLAKA, I. EBELA, I. DAUGULE , R. HERRERO, M. LEJA https://www.microbiotajournal.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/7/2022/09/Abstract-Book-2022.pdf

21. “The volatomic signature of Helicobacter pylori” D. SLEFARSKA-WOLAK, R. VANGRAVS, M. LEJA, L. MEZMALE, G. SHANI, C. MAYHEW, H. HAICK, P. MOCHALSKI https://www.microbiotajournal.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/7/2022/09/Abstract-Book-2022.pdf

22. “THE RIGHTS OF CHILDREN IN BIOMEDICINE (VOL. 2): BIOMEDICAL INTERVENTIONS AND THE RIGHTS OF CHILDREN TO THE HIGHEST ATTAINABLE STANDARD OF HEALTH” Caroline Adophsen, Kristof Van Assche, Katharina Ó Cathaoir, Jo Dorscheidt, Claire Fenton-Glynn, Jameson Garland, Aart Hendricks, Pin Lean Lau, Audrey Lebret, Stevie Martin, Signe Mežinska, Tanya Ni Mhuirthile. Clayton O’Neil, Annika Frida Petersen, Janne Rothmar Herrmann, Kirsten Sandberg, Anna Singer, Mirjam Sombroek, Ralph Sandland, Judit Sandor, Reidar Schei Jessen, Santa Slokenberga, Anniken Sørlie, Jakob Wested. https://www.jur.uu.se/digitalAssets/1021/c_1021202-l_3-k_the-rights-of-children-in-biomedicine-summaries-06092022.pdf

23. “Medicīnas tiesības Individuālā atbildība par veselību un pacienta pienākumi” / Signe Mežinska // Medicīnas tiesības / zin. red.: S. Slokenberga, S. Olsena Otrais papildinātais izdevums Rīga : Tiesu namu aģentūra, 2022. 8. nodaļa, 296.-326.lpp. ISBN 9789934621017;

24. “Volatilomic Patterns of Gastric Juice and Their Potential for Diagnosis of Gastric Cancer” Manohar Prasad Bhandari, Pawel Mochalski, Viktors Veliks, Daria Slefarska-Wolak, Linda Mezmale, Linda Anarkulova, Gidi Shani, Hossam Haick, Veronika Patsko, Emmanuel Dias-Neto, Raúl Murillo, Mārcis Leja https://support.owlstonenanotech.com/hc/en-us/community/posts/7101730489757-Volatilomic-patterns-of-gastric-juice-and-their-potential-for-diagnosis-of-gastric-cancer

25. “Application of modular multi - sensor VOC analyser for non-invasive detection of colorectal cancer” Linda Anarkulova  1     Inese Polaka, Johannes GloecklerLinda Mezmale, Anna Marija Lescinska, Andrejs Pcolkins, Boris Mizaikoff , Jan Mitrovics     Gidi Shani, Hossam Haick, Marcis Leja   https://ueg.eu/library/application-of-modular-multi-sensor-voc-analyser-for-non-invasive-detection-of-colorectal-cancer/250181

Populārzinātniskas publikācijas - komunikācija ar sabiedrību

  1. “Iedzīvotājus izglīto par iesaisti zinātniskos un medicīniskos pētījumos” / Signe Mežinska // Latvijas Radio
  2. https://lr1.lsm.lv/lv/raksts/pecpusdiena/iedzivotajus-izglito-par-iesaisti-zinatniskos-un-mediciniskos-pe.a158644/
  3. “Patients as research participants: how to meet ethics standards?” / Signe Mežinska // Rīgas Stradiņa universitātes Zinātnieku brokastis https://www.rsu.lv/notikumi/zinatnieku-brokastis-pacientu-iesaiste-petnieciba
  4. Diskusija “par pacientu un mediķu attiecību regulējuma pilnveidošanu ” / Signe Mežinska // Latvijas Ārstu biedrība https://medicine.lv/raksti/eksperti-diskutes-par-pacientu-un-mediku-attiecibu-regulejuma-pilnveidosanu
  5. Diskusija “Fokusā: pacients un viņa tiesības” / Signe Mežinska // Veselības ministrija https://www.vm.gov.lv/lv/jaunums/daniels-pavluts-nulles-tolerance-seksualo-robezu-parkapumiem-veselibas-aprupes-sistema
  6. Lielo datu ētika jeb kur nonāk mūsu dati? / Signe Mežinska // LSM.LV https://lr1.lsm.lv/lv/raksts/zinamais-nezinamaja/lielo-datu-etika-jeb-kur-nonak-musu-dati.a158362/
  7. Falsificētā zinātne - Alcheimera pētījumu gadījums/ Signe Mežinska // Latvijas Radio https://latvijasradio.lsm.lv/lv/lr/arhivs/?__uri=lv/lr/arhivs/&channel=0&d=23&m=8&y=2022&page=1
  8. Mārcis Leja par izelpas testu izmantošanas iespējām gastroenteroloģijā 24.01.2022 - https://xtv.lv/rigatv24/video/L4G0JEBoNab-marcis_leja_par_izelpas_testu_izmantosanas_iespejam_gastroenterologija
  9. Mārcis Leja: Vēža pacientu balsij jābūt sadzirdētai: https://www.delfi.lv/news/versijas/marcis-leja-veza-pacientu-balsij-jabut-sadzirdetai.d?id=54149334
  10. Liepājā uzsākts gremošanas slimību profilakses pētījums GISTAR: https://www.liepajniekiem.lv/zinas/sabiedriba/liepaja-uzsakts-gremosanas-slimibu-profilakses-petijums-gistar/
  11. Liepājā uzsākts gremošanas slimību profilakses pētījums GISTAR: https://www.liepaja.lv/liepaja-uzsakts-gremosanas-slimibu-profilakses-petijums-gistar/
  12. Zinātnieki Liepājā meklē metodi, kā testējot izelpu atklāt vēzi: https://irliepaja.lv/liepajnieki/zinatnieki-liepaja-mekle-metodi-ka-testejot-izelpu/
  13. Mārcis Leja: Ļaundabīgie audzēji vairs nav nepārsūdzams nāves spriedums. Alma Mater. https://issuu.com/universitate/docs/3-2022_alma_mater_e_1_/s/16949751
  14. LU KPMI pētnieki izstrādā inovatīvās tehnoloģijas vēža diagnostikā: https://www.lu.lv/par-mums/lu-mediji/zinas/zina/t/73271/
  15. GISTAR centrs turpina pētījumus, aicina liepājniekus iesaistīties: https://irliepaja.lv/liepajnieki/gistar-petijumu-centrs-turpina-petijumus-aicina-li/
  16. Mārcis Leja: Ļaundabīgie audzēji vairs nav nepārsūdzams nāves spriedums: https://www.lu.lv/par-mums/lu-mediji/zinas/zina/t/74289/
  17. LU profesors Mārcis Leja uzlabos kolorektālā vēža skrīninga plānu Eiropā: https://labsoflatvia.com/aktuali/uzlabos-kolorektala-veza-skrininga-planu
  18. LU zinātnieki sāk darbu projektā saslimstības ar kuņģa vēzi mazināšanai:https://labsoflatvia.com/aktuali/latvija-iesaistas-eurohelican-projekta
  19. LU zinātnieki sāk darbu projektā saslimstības ar kuņģa vēzi mazināšanai: https://www.doctus.lv/raksts/zinas/latvijas-universitates-zinatnieki-sak-darbu-eiropas-meroga-projekta-saslimstibas-ar-kunga-vezi-mazinasanai-5528/

Dalība starptautiskās konferencēs

1. “Transforming Healthcare with AI”, 22.02.2022. tiešsaistē: https://www2.deloitte.com/lv/en/pages/technology/articles/Transforming-Healthcare-with-AI1.html “Experience and potential in clinical research: application of ML in process improvement and gaining new insights” Inese Poļaka  - mutiskais ziņojums.

2. “International Gastric Cancer Congress - IGCC 2022”, Hjūstona, Teksasa, ASV. “International Gastric Cancer Congress 2022”, Houston, USA, 6-9 March 2022: https://gastriccancerconference.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/IGCC-2022-Abstracts.pdf

2.1. “IDENTIFICATION OF VOLATILE BIOMARKERS IN GASTRIC CANCER TISSUES USING GC-MS FOR CANCER DETECTION” Manohar Prasad Bhandari,, Daria Slefarska, Linda Mezmale, Anna Marija Lescinska, Linda Anarkulova, Pawel Mochalski, Mārcis Leja - stenda prezentacija;

2.2. “VOLATILOMIC SIGNATURES OF AGS AND SNU-1 GASTRIC CANCER CELL LINES” Daria Slefarska, Christine Heinzle, Andreas Leiherer, Axel Muendlein, Linda Mezmale, Marcis Leja, Alejandro H. Corvalan, Gidi Shani, Chris A. Mayhew, Hossam Haick, Pawel Mochalskis - stenda prezentācija;

3. 80th International Scientific Conference of the University of Latvia. Latvia, Riga, March, 2022 (International Scientific Conference on Medicine 25-26 March 2022, online): https://conferences.lu.lv/event/68/attachments/17/419/Program%202022.pdf

3.1. "The Impact of the Nordic Diet on Fatigue in Mild and Moderate Ulcerative Colitis Patients”. Girgensone Ginta, Birka Ilze, Anspuka Līva, Šantare Daiga - mutiskais ziņojums.

3.2. “Current Smoking Associated with Precancerous Gastric Lesions “Missed” by Serologic Pepsinogen Testing” Razuka-Ebela Danute, Polaka Inese, Parshutin Sergei, Ebela Inguna, Daugule Ilva, Santare Daiga, Sjomina Olga, Herrero Rolando, Park Jin Young, Leja Marcis - mutiskais ziņojums.

3.3. “Initial Results of Electronic Nose for Colorectal Cancer Specific Breath Detection” Mezmale Linda, Polaka Inese, Anarkulova Linda, Lescinska Anna Marija, Pcolkins Andrejs, Mizaikoff Boris, Mitrovics Jan, Shani Gidi, Haick Hossam, Leja Marcis - stenda prezentacija .

3.4. “The Use of Shotgun Metagenomic Sequencing for Detection of H. Pylori Pre- and Post-Eradication: Bioinformatics Feasibility Assessment’ Vangravs Reinis, Čivkulis Kristaps, Ļeonova Elīna, Dauss Edgars, Poļaka Inese, Sjomina Olga, Leja Mārcis - stenda prezentacija.

3.5. “Evaluation of Dietary Habits of Jekabpils Inhabitants: Adherence to Nordic Diet and Association With Helicobacter Pylori Infection” Jurkevica Ineta, Daugule Ilva, Kojalo Ilona, Polaka Inese, Parsutins Sergejs, Leja Marcis, Santare Daiga - stenda prezentacija.

3.6. “Addition of Saccharomyces Boulardii to Standard Triple Therapy in Eradication of H. pylori: Comparison of Adverse Events and Effectiveness” Sjomina Olga, Suhorukova Jekaterina, Rūdule Aiga, Vangravs Reinis, Paršutins Sergejs, Poļaka Inese, Daugule Ilva, Stonāns Ilmārs, Park Jin Young, Leja Mārcis - stenda prezentacija.

4. RSU International COVID-19 Conference IMPACT, INNOVATIONS AND PLANNING, RSU, Riga, 28 and 29 April 2022 https://c19.rsu.lv/sites/default/files/documents/RSU_Covid19_posterbook.pdf "MONITORING OF CRITICALLY ILL COVID-19 PATIENTS ON MECHANICAL LUNG VENTILATION USING BREATH SENSOR TECHNOLOGY” Bhandari M. P., Veliks V., Stonāns I., Padilla M., Šuba o., SvareA., Krupnova I., Ivanovs Ņ., Bēma D., Mitrovics J., Leja M. - stenda prezentacija.

5. Annual Workshop of Nordic-Baltic Network for Philosophy of Medicine and Medical Ethics: Issues in Philosophy of Medicine, Bioethics, and Medical Practice, Greifswald Wissenschaftskolleg, Vācija, 09.06.2022 http://www.mies.mf.vu.lt/wp-content/uploads/2022/06/NBNPM_Program.pdf “Citizen science in health and biomedical research: ethical issues and possible solutions” Signe Mežinska - mutiskais ziņojums.

6. The 44th edition of the annual meeting “OECI Oncology Days 2022” Valencia, Spain, from  15 to 17 June 2022 https://www.oeci.eu/Assembly.aspx?city=Valencia&year=2022 “Perspectives from the Cancer Mission Board and Sub-Group on Cancer “Opportunities and Challenges”  - Marcis Leja - apaļā galda diskusija;

7. European Society for Clinical Investigation, 56th Annual Scientific Meeting "Promoting Biomedical Research, Equal Health and Environment in the post-COVID Syndemic Era," 8.-10.06.2022, Bari, Itālijā. https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/toc/13652362/2022/52/S1 “Effect of smoking on serum pepsinogen values modified by the presence of Helicobacter pylori”. D. Razuka-Ebela; I. Polaka; S. Parshutin; I. Ebela; I. Daugule; D. Santare; O. Sjomina; M. Leja - mutiskais ziņojums.

8. EHMSG – Eiropas Helikobaktērijas un mikrobioma pētniecības grupa (Bordo, Francijā 26.06.) Mārcis Leja Dalība grupas darbā

9. AHMSI- Āfrikas Helikobaktērijas un Mikrobioma pētniecības grupa (Lagos, Nigērijā 27.06. – 01.07.) Mārcis Leja ar lekciju “Par kuņģa vēža skrīningu, Eiropas Komisijas nostāju”

10. IX Starptautiskais simpozijs par H.pylori Gvatemalā, (IX Simposio Internacional de H.pylori Guatemala) 2022,  Antigva Gvatemala, Gvatemalā https://gastrogt2022.site/ “Volatile markers in gastric cancer” Mārcis Leja ar mutiskais ziņojums (lekcija).

11. XXXVth Workshop of the European Helicobacter and Microbiota Study Group - EHMSG 2022. 8-10.09.2022, Glāzgovā, Apvienotā Karalistē: https://www.microbiotajournal.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/7/2022/09/Abstract-Book-2022.pdf

11.1.   “Mistakes in empirical eradication therapies for helicobacter pylori in 45,778 patients: Data from the European registry on H.Pylori management (HP-Eureg)”S. MARTÍNEZ-DOMÍNGUEZ , E. ALFARO , P. CARRERA-LASFUENTES , Á. LANAS , Á. PÉREZ-AINSA , D. VAIRA , L. JONAITIS , B. TEPES , D. BORDIN6 , M. CASTRO-FERNÁNDEZ7 , A. LUCENDO8 , M. LEJA , G. BABAYEVA, F. LERANG, L. MOREIRA, I. PUIG, O. P. NYSSEN, F. MÉGRAUD, C. O´MORAIN, J. P. GISBERT, ON BEHALF OF THE HP-EUREG INVESTIGATOR

11.2. “Comparison of the effectiveness of Helicobacter Pylori eradication regiments between the eldrely and non-eldrely populations: data from the European registy of H.Pylori management (HP-Eureg)” P. JONAITIS , J. KUPCINSKAS , Á. PÉREZ-AÍSA , D. VAIRA, B. TEPES, D. BORDIN, L. BUJANDA, M. DENKOVSKI, A. LANAS, M. LEJA, G. BABAYEVA, F. LERANG, A. TONKIC, O. P. NYSSEN, L. MOREIRA, I. PUIG, F. MÉGRAUD, C. O’MORAIN, J. P. GISBERT, L. JONAITIS , ON BEHALF OF THE HP-EUREG INVESTIGATORS

11.3. “Changes in gut microbiota after antibacterial therapy among childre: Prelimenary data” M. ZAHAROVA , E. ZELCA , D. GUDRA , D. FRIDMANIS , I. DAUGULE

11.4. “Role of complience in Helicobacter Pylori treatments: results from the European registry on H.pylori management (HP-Eureg)” J. M. HUGUET , L. FERRER-BARCELÓ , P. SUÁREZ, B. TEPES, D. BORDIN, M. LEJA, G. BABAYEVA, F. LERANG, A. TONKIC, H. SIMSEK, L. KUNOVSKÝ, A. GASBARRINI, G. M. BUZAS, P. PHULL, M. VENERITO, I. PUIG, O. P. NYSSEN, F. MÉGRAUD, C. O’MORAIN, J. P. GISBERT, ON BEHALF OF THE HP-EUREG INVESTIGATORS

11.5. “Differences of Helicobacter Pylori diagnostics and treatment in the elderly and non-elderly populations: data from European registry on H.pylori management (HP-Eureg)” P. JONAITIS , J. KUPCINSKAS, Á. PÉREZ-AÍSA, D. VAIRA, B. TEPES, D. BORDIN, L. BUJANDA, M. DENKOVSKI, A. LANAS, M. LEJA, G. BABAYEVA, F. LERANG, A. TONKIC, O. P. NYSSEN, L. MOREIRA, I. PUIG, F. MÉGRAUD, C. O’MORAIN, J. P. GISBERT, L. JONAITIS, ON BEHALF OF THE HP-EUREG INVESTIGATORS”

11.6. “Epmirical first-line treatment use and effectiveness trends in Europe in the period 2013 – 2021: Results from the European registry on H.pylori management (HP-Eureg)” O. P. NYSSEN, Á. PÉREZ-AÍSA, D. VAIRA, L. JONAITIS, B. TEPES, D. BORDIN, A. KECO-HUERGA, A. LUCENDO, L. VOLOGZHANINA, L. BUJANDA, N. BRGLEZ JURECIC, A. LANAS, M. LEJA, G. BABAYEVA, F. LERANG, L. MOREIRA, I. PUIG, F. MÉGRAUD, C. O’MORAIN, J. P. GISBERT, ON BEHALF OF THE HP-EUREG INVESTIGATORS

11.7. “Effectiveness and safety of high-dose dual therapy: Results of the European registry on the management of Helicobacter Pylori infection (HP-Eureg)”L. FERNÁNDEZ-SALAZAR, Á. PÉREZ-AISA, D. VAIRA, L. JONAITIS, B. TEPES, D. BORDIN, A. KECO-HUERGA, A. LUCENDO, L. VOLOGZHANINA, L. BUJANDA, N. BRGLEZ JURECIC, A. LANAS, M. LEJA, G. BABAYEVA, T. ROKKAS, I. PUIG, O. P. NYSSEN, F. MÉGRAUD, C. O’MORAIN, J. P. GISBERT, ON BEHALF OF THE HP-EUREG

11.8. “The comparison of standard triple therapy effectiveness after addition of Saccharomyces boulardii” O. SJOMINA, R. VANGRAVS, A. RUDULE, I. POLAKA, S. PARSUTINS, D. PUPOLA, I. STONANS, M. LEJA

11.9.  “Effectiveness of treatments against Helicobacter Pylori according to clarithromycin: Data from the European registry on helicobacter pylori management (HP-Ereg)" L. BUJANDA, O. PEREZ-NYSSEN, J. RAMOS, D. S. BORDYN, B. TEPES, Á. PÉREZ - AISA, D. VAIRA, M. CALDAS, M. CASTRO-FERNÁNDEZ, F. LERAN, M. LEJA, L. RODRIGO, T. ROKKAS, L. KUPCINSKAS, J. PÉREZ-LASALA, I. PUIG, F. MEGRAUD, C. O’MORAIN, J. PÉREZ-GISBERT, ON BEHALF OF THE HP-EUREG INVESTIGATORS

11.10 “Reflux esophagitis associated with false negative cases in pepsinogen testing for precancerous gastric lesions.” D. RAZUKA-EBELA, I. POLAKA, I. EBELA, I. DAUGULE , R. HERRERO, M. LEJA - (posteris)

11.11. “The volatomic signature of Helicobacter pylori” D. SLEFARSKA-WOLAK, R. VANGRAVS, M. LEJA, L. MEZMALE, G. SHANI, C. MAYHEW, H. HAICK, P. MOCHALSKI

11.12. “Impact of probiotics on the faecal resistome during H. pylori eradication” Marcis Leja, Riga, Latvia - mutiskais ziņojums

11.13. “Changes in gut microbiota after antibacterial therapy among children: preliminary data” Ilva Daugule, Riga, Latvia- mutiskais ziņojums

11.14 Looking to the Future .Hall 1 Chair: Lars Engstrand, Stockholm, Sweden & Marcis Leja, Riga, Latvia (Session 15: State of the Art lectures)

12. Children's rights in biomedicine, Zviedrija, Uppsala University 12.09.2022 - 13.09.2022 http://files.webb.uu.se/uploader/1282/Childrens-Conference-Program-13sept.pdf  “Genetic testing and screening” Signe Mežinska - mutiskais ziņojums

13. Breath Biopsy Conference 2022, Online, 1-2 November 2022 https://www.owlstonemedical.com/bb-con/submit-abstract-bbcon/ “Volatilomic Patterns of Gastric Juice and Their Potential for Diagnosis of Gastric Cancer” Manohar Prasad Bhandari, Pawel Mochalski, Viktors Veliks, Daria Slefarska-Wolak, Linda Mezmale, Linda Anarkulova, Gidi Shani, Hossam Haick, Veronika Patsko, Emmanuel Dias-Neto, Raúl Murillo, Mārcis Leja - stenda referāts (posteris)

14. Starptautiskas darba grupa (RE GA IN) Padovas Universitāti (Università di Padova), Venēciju, Itālijā no  07.11.2022. līdz   11.11.2022.saistībā ar kuņģa pirmsvēža stāvokļiem un gastrītu Mārcis Leja

15. “United European Gastroenterology Week 2022 – UEGWEEK 2022” 08.-11.10.2022. Vīnē, Austrijā. https://ueg2022.planner.documedias.systems/api/documents/pdf-program

15.1. “Is screening for premalignant gastric lesions in Europe feasable?” Marcis Leja, LV - mutiskais ziņojums

15.2. “Gastric cancer: New insights Chairs: Jan Bornschein, GB” Marcis Leja, LV - mutiskais ziņojums

15.3. “Application of modular multi - sensor VOC analyser for non-invasive detection of colorectal cancer” Linda Anarkulova, Inese Polaka, Johannes GloecklerLinda Mezmale, Anna Marija Lescinska, Andrejs Pcolkins, Boris Mizaikoff , Jan Mitrovics     Gidi Shani, Hossam Haick, Marcis Leja - stenda referāts

16. Bridging Meeting in Gastroenterology, European Association for Gastroenterology, Endoscopy and Nutrition (EAGEN). 11.11.2022. “In search of a population tailored approach to improve the performance of pepsinogen testing for precancerous gastric lesions”  Danute Ražuka-Ebela - mutiskais ziņojums https://www.facebook.com/events/radisson-hotel-kaunas/bridging-meeting-in-gastroenterology-eagen-postgraduate-course/2229838607172607/

17. “Precision Medicine Networking Forum”, Rīgā, 2022.gada 13.-14. oktobrī https://www.pmnet-forum.com/preliminary-agenda/

17.1. “The experience of Cancer biobanking at the ICPM UL and REUH.  Ilmārs Stonāns. - mutiska prezentācija

17.2. “Systematic implementation of precision medicine” Mārcis Leja - mutiska prezentācija https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2q8U2L159DA

17.3. “Data collaborative on gastric cancer” Mārcis Leja - mutiska prezentācija

Vietējas nozīmes konferences un zinātniskie semināri

1. Latvijas Ārstu Kongress 2022 “Gaistošo organisko marķieru noteikšanas iespējas izelpā – jaunas iespējas vēža skrīningam?” - mutiskais ziņojums.

2. Latvijas Ārstu kongress, 21.09.2022, Rīgā, Latvijā. “Jaunākais H.pylori kontekstā un kuņģa vēža profilaksē: ieskats Māstrihtas VI vadlīnijās” - mutiskais ziņojums un lekcija.

3. Doktorantūras skola translācijas izpētē medicīnā tiešsaistē, 18.05.2022.,“Blakusfaktoru ietekme pētījumos”, Danute Ražuka-Ebela

4. Council of Europe, Introductory training session on the Key Principles of the Research Ethics Committees, Online, 20.10.2022., Review of the application documents: Methods to ensure the competence of researchers, to avoid risks for participants and to increase benefits, Signe Mežinska

5. Latvijas Ārstu biedrības pilnsapulce, 13.10.2022 “Pacienta, ārsta un farmaceita sadarbības ētiskie aspekti teorijā un praksē”,Signe Mežinska

6. BBMRI.LV seminārs «Biobanku attīstība nākamās paaudzes zinātnes vajadzībām un atklājumiem», 22.04.2022. “Jaunākie ētiskie aspekti biobanku darbībā”, Signe Mežinska

7. Zinātniskais seminārs "Zinātnes ētika" - LU Cietvielu fizikas institūta un LU Doktorantūras skolas "Funkcionālie materiāli un nanotehnoloģijas", Signe Mežinska

8. 2022. gada skolēnu 46. zinātniski pētniecisko darbu konference LU tiešsaistē, 04.03.2022. - dabaszinātnes nozares matemātikas,  datorzinātnes un informātikas apakšnozares komisijas vadītājs un recenzents, Arnis Kiršners

9. IGCC 2022 Reporting Seminar, 29.03.2022., Manohar Prasad Bhandari

10. LU seminar of the Doctoral School of Translational Research in Medicine, 30.03.2022. - lecture ‘Nanomedicine in the diagnosis of gastric cancer’, Manohar Prasad Bhandari

11. Meeting of the Council of Medical Sciences, University of Latvia, 08.12.2022. - presentation about the progress of the postdoctoral project activities, Manohar Prasad Bhandari