
The European Union’s Beating Cancer Plan has introduced a new EU-Supported Cancer Screening Scheme to ensure high-performance cancer screening programs across all Member States. The EUCanScreen project aims to promote the sustainable implementation of high-quality screening programs for breast, cervical, and colorectal cancers, as well as recommended screenings for lung, prostate, and gastric cancers. The main goal of the project is to reduce the cancer burden and achieve equity in screening access throughout the EU.


1.    Ensure full, cost-effective, and quality-assured implementation of breast, cervical, and colorectal cancer screening.
2.    Prepare for the implementation of lung, prostate, and gastric cancer screening.
3.    Improve data collection and monitoring, and ensure equal access to screening programs.
4.    Foster collaboration with other EU projects to ensure sustainability.

The consortium brings together 29 countries, including 25 EU Member States, Ukraine, Moldova, Norway, and Iceland. The project is coordinated by the University of Latvia and involves 28 competent authorities and 61 affiliated partners. The project duration is 48 months with a total budget of EUR 38.7 million .

Project ID No.: 101162959, Reg. of LU. Nr. ZD2024/21709

Project implementation: 01.06.2024. – 31.05.2028.

Total project funding: 38 749 935 EUR

Total funding of LU: 4 228 546 EU