The CCI4EU project will run over 3 years, it will define and create a Maturity Model with quality indicators, to map the status of CCIs in all Member States and in five Associated Countries. Up to 9 sites will be selected for Deep Dive interventions, with 3 onsite visits to help them build their capacity in particular domains. Along with this, tailored online courses, resources and conferences will be developed to open up the capacity building to a wider audience, with the overall aim of contributing to the Horizon Europe Mission of ensuring that 90% of eligible cancer patients have access to Comprehensive Cancer Infrastructures by 2030.
This Conference is the second of three that will be held over the course of the project. It will give individuals and teams from developing CCIs direction in helping them build their capacity and develop their infrastructures. The topic of this second conference is: Accelerating cancer research and innovation in comprehensive cancer infrastructures
The gap between research findings and clinical implementation poses a significant challenge in healthcare. Bridging this gap is essential to ensure that the latest evidence is incorporated into patient care effectively. This conference is aimed at professionals involved in translational research, clinical trialists, directors of science and hospital leaders.
Learning Objectives:
- Understand the importance of capacity building in research and innovation.
- Learn how to develop/improve biobanking, registries and screening programmes.
- Identify the ways to bring research findings into clinical settings.
- Enhance collaboration between stakeholders and other research centres.
- Explore real-world case studies and examples of successful/unsuccessful of ongoing research, innovation and patent cases.