On October 31, 2016, with the support of Riga East Clinical University Hospital, RECUH (Rīgas Austrumu klīnikā universitātes slimnīca, RAKUS), the Senate of the University of Latvia (UL) made the decision to establish the Institute of Clinical and Preventive Medicine, ICPM (Klīniskās un profilaktisās medicīnas institūts, KPMI), based on several years of successful research activities.

The institute was established and commenced its operations in November 2016, becoming a significant partner for both Latvian and international leading research organizations.

During the first full meeting of the UL ICPM scientists on February 1, 2017, the Scientific Council of the institute was elected. Professor Viesturs Boka, a member of the RECUH board and a professor at the UL Faculty of Medicine, was nominated and elected as the Chairman of the Scientific Council. Six scientists were elected to the Scientific Council of the institute, and the RECUH board delegated four experts in the institute's research areas to the Scientific Council.

Mission, vision and values

The mission of UL ICPM is to improve individual and public health through scientific knowledge.

The vision of UL ICPM is to be recognized globally and in Latvia as a research organization in the field of health sciences, by developing the necessary human resources, knowledge transfer, biobanks, laboratories, information systems, and other infrastructure.

The values of UL ICPM include being part of the UL family of medical and life sciences, striving for global excellence in medical research, basing its development on such research, collaborating with Latvian and international organizations as an open partner, actively initiating such cooperation, and ensuring academic freedom for its researchers.


Target audience of the institute

The scientific community of basic and clinical medicine, universities and research institutes, doctors and healthcare institutions, the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Education and Science, as well as other state and municipal institutions, the biopharmaceutical, health, and medical industries, patients and patient organizations, and society as a whole.


Institute's goals:

conducting fundamental and applied research in the field of public health and disease prevention, including the implementation of population studies, screening, and intervention research, and the development of economically justified healthcare models;

conducting fundamental and applied research in various fields of clinical medicine, including oncology, microbiome, and infection research (sepsis, tuberculosis, etc.), internal medicine and surgical pathology, laboratory medicine, and visual diagnostics, as well as other natural sciences;

promoting the growth of new researchers in the institute's specialized research areas;

acquiring new knowledge and utilizing it in the interests of society and economic development, in accordance with the priority directions defined by the University of Latvia in natural and medical sciences.


The institute performs:

  • research in the field of public health and disease prevention;
  • population studies;
  • screening and intervention studies;
  • research in various fields of clinical medicine, including oncology, microbiome, and infection research (sepsis, tuberculosis, etc.), research in internal medicine and surgical pathology, laboratory medicine, and visual diagnostics, as well as research in other natural sciences.